Rate Preview Images and Video Titles for YouTube

A/B tests are made to select the best picture and title for your video. All this affects the CTR – the video’s clickability rate. The higher it is, the more impressions (and therefore views) your video will have.

Increasing this metric by even 1% could give you hundreds of thousands of additional views. Cool, right?

There are no bots on our platform, and all your videos are rated by real people, often bloggers who understand a lot about CTR.

In addition, the time to make a decision is limited – this was done specifically to "turn off" the brain, because when a person scrolls through the list of videos, he does not think, but clicks on what first attracts his attention.

The task is considered completed after the number of participants you specified when creating the test votes (minimum 10). Intermediate totals are available.

Rate other people's videos and earn money or create your own task

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